Feed your lawn right

Fertilize Sparingly

Use slow-release fertilizer in late spring or early summer—ideal timing for Mat-Su Valley lawns in Wasilla and Meadow Lakes. Too much nitrogen burns grass or risks groundwater near Palmer wells.

Know Your Soil

Mat-Su Valley soils can be thin or rocky. A soil test (grab one at your nearest Wasilla or Palmer garden stores) shows what your lawn craves.

Fertilizer - The secret to a beautiful lawn

Fertilizer is vital for maintaining healthy lawns in Alaska, where the short growing season and cooler temperatures can limit nutrient availability in the soil. By providing essential nutrients, fertilizer encourages strong grass growth, vibrant color, and resilience, helping lawns thrive even in the state's challenging climate.

Go Natural

Fish emulsion or compost are Mat-Su favorites—organic options that won’t overload your yard.


Tackle weeds early


Water wisely